Going Gaga For Designer Watches For Women!What do Britney Spears, Victoria Beckham, Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Simpson have in common? (And heck, no! I am not talking about how these female celebrities have been called various unsavory names like pop tarts and fashion fuglies in the course of their careers) They all love designer watches for women, that's what!
If you are an avid follower of female celebrities' outfits, you will observe that aside from the ubiquitous designer handbags, you will be privy to the sight of gloriously attention-grabbing and expensively stylish designer watches for women (and men, in some cases) gracing their wrists. Just what is it that makes women go gaga for all watches designer, anyway?
Anytime, All the TimeDesigner watches for women make for great gifts all the time, anytime! Let us count the 12 reasons why (just because the number matches that of a conventional analog watch):
- One size fits all, almost: Unlike lingerie and shoes, you can choose one designer watch and take comfort in the fact that it can be adjusted to fit any wrist. For men and women who lack the eye to gauge size, watches are God-send.
- Practical items: Watches serve a utilitarian purpose - keeping time. Everybody will love a watch for a gift (especially your control freak of a girlfriend)
- Attractive things: Watches are attention-grabbers especially the ones with bright straps (big thing in 2008) and precious jewels and metals. Who can deny that diamonds and gold on an ever-busy hand is attractive a mile away?
- Appropriate for all occasions: Christmas, birthday, anniversary, special celebrations - it does not matter. Designer watches for women will be appreciated all the time, even when her closet is full of it. After all, a woman could never have too many watches, bags and shoes!
- Appropriate for everybody: No matter who you will be giving them to - wife, girlfriend, mistress, sister, niece, sister-in-law, female co-worker and boss - designer ladies' watches are the safest and surest bets.
- Personal statement: Watches are evocative of an individual's personality. You can give a watch that speaks of the recipient's character or your personality just so she will remember you every time she checks her watch.
- No-fuss gift: You can gift a watch right out of its box. No more going to the store to have it wrapped and no more grappling what color ribbon to tie it with.
- Non-committal gifts: Unlike rings and necklaces, designer ladies' watches express your admiration and appreciation without saying "I love you and I want to marry you" to your lady love of the moment.
- Variety of choice: With the many brands of designer watches for women out there, you can choose according to your budget and preference.
- Brand prestige: Logos are there for a purpose - to advertise to all and sundry that you can afford the real McCoy and that you have excellent taste.
- Top-quality: With the higher than average price also comes a higher than average quality of workmanship and precision.
- Timeless accessory: Fashions come and go. Style is eternal. These words immortalized by Chanel aptly describe the timeless stylish appeal of designer watches for women.
These 12 reasons aside, haven't you ever felt like buying something just because you like it and you can afford it?Fashion Watch ListWhen it comes to designer ladies' watches, there are a few basic guidelines you can follow. These are just guidelines because your watches are a reflection of your fashion style - even Princess Diana was known to pair diamonds with denims to a smashing effect!
Like all other personal accessories, less is better when it comes to ladies watches. Gone are the days when women were allowed to wear multiple watches on one arm and get away with it and even then, only teenagers got away with the fashion faux pas. Besides, you will look like a watch whore when you do this at your age!
You should go for quality instead of quantity. It is way better to possess a few top-notch designer watches for women to suit every occasion you plan to be in your social calendar than to own many obviously low-quality watches to wear for each and every day of the year.
In this wise, go for designer watches for women made by reputable houses like Breitling, Chopard, Dubey and Shaldenbrand, Roger Dubuis, Cartier and Rolex. You will never go wrong here.
Most importantly, follow the correspondence principle as often as possible. When going to a formal party, wear a dress watch and high heels. When going to casual affairs, wear a casual watch and comfortable shoes. Do otherwise and be prepared to encounter pitying glances and scornful looks, not to mention a snicker here and there.
On the lookout for designer watches for women? Visit RoddyJonesTrading.com today for the fulfillment of every style tip in the book!
By Roddy Jones
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com